
Suzi Nash (LTA ’08) has been nominated as a recipient of the 2016 ‘Society Lights’ Award for her work in the area of Arts/Media.
Milena Velis (ACG '10) and Melissa Beatriz (ACG '12) will be screening their short film The Engine of My Life as part of Taller Puertorriqueño's panel...
Erin Bernard (ACG '15) and José Ortiz-Pagán of the Philadelphia Public History Truck are looking to crowd-source public memory to create meaningful...
Jennifer Baker (ACG ’10) created Portraits of People on the Move, an exhibit of stories and photographs of Philadelphia area immigrants.
Including Black Quantum Futurism (Leeway board member Rasheedah Phillips and Camae Ayewa (LTA ’15, ACG ’07) and our Community Partners Courtney Bowles...
This new interactive exhibit sheds light on these issues. It elicits personal connections to recent historic changes in the U.S. criminal justice...
Mary Dewitt's paintings of Avis Lee and Kennetta Andrews will be on exhibit at the African American Museum in Philadelphia through September 11.
A collection of photographs and recorded excerpts of conversations provides an intimate view of the lives of Sandra’s subjects and depicts a...
After a nationwide search, Sara Zia Ebrahimi has been hired as Program Director of the Leeway Foundation by Executive Director Denise M. Brown.
Check out Invincible Ill Weaver's interview with Leeway Foundation grantee Muthi Reed about gender and using the pronouns they/them.