
Are you passionate about creative social change at the intersection of art, media and technology? Allied Media Projects is hiring for two positions...
Common Field is excited to announce their first open call for proposals for the 2017 Convening, taking place from November 2-5, 2017 in Los Angeles...
Mural Arts Philadelphia invites photographers and sound artists to apply for the Tacony Learning and Arts Building (LAB) 2017 Autumn Artist...
Recent grantees working on issues of transgender justice and gender self-determination (Alex Barrett and Kris Moore, Carman Spoto, and Kayleb Rae...
St. Daniel's Ray of Hope CDC in partnership with the City of Chester presents the 7th Annual Chester Juneteenth Festival on Saturday, June 17 in...
Far too often, the contributions to social justice movements by artists and cultural producers are seen but uncelebrated. In recognition of...
In collaboration with the Free Library of Philadelphia, PhillyCAM launches a series of media trainings that will teach community members how to create...
An excerpt from Coda Wei and Jai Arun Ravine's (ACG '16) collaborative writing project, Ambient Asian Space, was published in The Capilano Review.
Window of Opportunity Grantees" class="img-fluid" />
Our Window of Opportunity (WOO) Grant launched earlier this year as a pilot program. Open to previous Leeway grantees only, the grant is meant to fund...
Philadelphia Assembled is an expansive project that tells a story of radical community building and active resistance through the personal and...