PhillyCAM Launches Media Trainings in Collaboration with the Free Library

In collaboration with the Free Library of Philadelphia, PhillyCAM launches a series of media trainings that will teach community members how to create short video and audio productions with their tablets, smartphones, and apps. Together, the productions will form the People’s Media Collection, an online archive of hyperlocal content and community voices.
PhillyCAM is the nonprofit organization that manages public-access television for the City of Philadelphia. This year, it's expanding its mission, launching media trainings in collaboration with the Free Library of Philadelphia.
Unlike the workshops PhillyCAM usually offers, which focus on professional television and radio production, these trainings will teach community members how to create short video and audio productions with their tablets, smartphones, and apps. Together, the productions will form the People’s Media Collection, an online archive of hyperlocal content and community voices.
“The project is about transforming people from passive media consumers into active change makers,” says Gretjen Clausing, PhillyCAM’s executive director. “This project will result in hundreds of people becoming active participants in amplifying the voices of their communities around issues that matter to them most.”
Media trainings are held Tuesdays at the West Oak Lane Free Library (2000 E. Washington Lane), and Wednesdays at the Northeast Regional Library (2228 Cottman Avenue), thorugh September 2017, with the help of an on-site "community mediamaker in residence." You can sign up for workshops in advance here. An archive of video and audio projects will be hosted at