
CultureWorks Greater Philadelphia is hiring a temporary part-time Shared Workspace Coordinator.
On November 18, join Taller Puertorriqueño for a conversation with Tim Gibbon, Heather Raquel Phillips (ACG '17), Melissa Beatriz Skolnick-Noguera...
Gendertalk, November 15th 6-8pm at the LGBT Center, is an annual open-mic night that Penn Non-Cis puts on to highlight experiences around gender. We...
Warrior Writers celebrates its 10th Birthday from November 17-19 with a happy hour, poetry reading, and party at various Center City locations.
Cynthia Dewi Oka (ACG '16) hosts a book launch for her newest work, Salvage, on December 1 at the Asian Arts Initiative. Salvage is a collection of...

First Friday Juerga

Join Pasión y Arte on November 3, 7:30 - 11:00 PM for a flamenco-inspired jam session. First Friday Juerga is free and open to all. Everyone is...
On October 25, Reverend Michelle Simmons, CEO/President of Why Not Prosper, leads a free, one day conference on disability work-rights for people on...
Join Fleisher Art Memorial and the official Día de los Muertos committee Calaca Flaca (Skinny Skeleton)--which includes Ana Guissel Palma (ACG '17,...
Destiny Estimate is a new play by MJ Kaufman (ACG '13) about fate, life and possibility through movement, mythology, storytelling, and song. It runs...

Remembering Gwendolyn Brooks

The African American Museum in Philadelphia, Art Sanctuary, and Moonstone Arts Center present Remembering Gwendolyn Brooks on October 29 at the...