
A film by Kathryn Smith-Pyle (ACG '17, '14) and María Teresa Rodríguez (LTA '07, WOO '03) was mentioned in a piece by WHYY about the legacy of...
Erika Guadalupe Nunez is one of Brandywine's newest visiting artists in residence. Fleisher will host a tour of Brandywine to explore a collection of...
Last month, Ania Lolbe (@Pormisjoyas) (ACG '17) was featured on Atrevete, a monthly Latino bilingual community news program and run by PhillyCAM.
Philadelphia FIGHT is currently accepting workshop proposals for its 2018 Prison Summit. Registration is open through June 1.
Packed with performances, this intimate portrait captures the breadth of Sanchez's rich and often unsettled life.
Vision Driven Artists and CultureWorks are partnering on a monthly workshop series for artists and arts organizations! This month they will talk...
Bartol Foundation and Small But Mighty Arts have partnered to award ten $500 micro-grants to Philadelphia-based teaching artists. Applications will be...
FringeArts is seeking to amplify all the creative voices in our city and beyond, and this September, they're inviting you to grab the mic (or...
Vermont's Bread & Puppet Theater returns to Philly for one night with the The Basic Bye-Bye Show, a manifesto on transformation inspired by Albrecht...
Applications due April 13th.