
Elba Hevia y Vaca's (LTA '08, WOO '04) Pasión y Arte Flamenco is performing Cosas de Mujeres (Things of Women) on April 10-12 at the Leonard...
Jen Blazina's (WOO '04) exhibit opens at the Corning Museum of Glass on March 20.
Headlands Center for the Arts announces their 2016 Artist-in-Residence program. Deadline: June 5.
Betty Leacraft (ACG '14, '09), Neighborhood Time Exchange artist-in-residence, is featured in local news.
Philly Mag writes about Rachelle Lee Smith's (ACG '06) vandalized photography exhibit at the University of Connecticut.
Directors Janet Goldwater (LTA '11, ACG '09, WOO '04) and Barbara Attie (LTA '11, ACG '09) premiere BaddDDD Sonia Sanchez, a documentary about African...
The Philadelphia Tribune interviews Pheralyn Dove (ACG '14) on photography, poetry and Philadelphia.
Cassendre Xavier (LTA '05) is hosting the Women's Writing and Spoken Word series on the second Thursday of every month at Big Blue Marble Bookstore...
Chestnut Hill Local interviews Kay Wood on disability, Philadelphia in the 80s and the BP oil spill.
Kay Wood (ACG '14) is signing copies of "The Big Belch" on March 20 at Ten Thousand Villages and giving a talk on March 27th at iMPeRFeCT Gallery.