
LGBT Weekly review's Chana Rothman's (ACG '13) album "Rainbow Train."
Susan DiPronio (LTA '13) is performing her piece "Surrender" at SEXx Interactive on May 8 and her photography is included in a group show of erotic...
Jennifer Yee (ACG '14) is reading from her new screenplay First Chair at the Prince Music Theater April 27. Free.
The Philadelphia Tribute reviews Denise Allen's (ACG '14) exhibition "My Son Matters."
The Broad Street Review writes about Denise Allen's (ACG '14) exhibition "My Son Matter."
Anne-Marie Mulgrew (ACG '12, WOO '03, '01) presents From the Vault, an evening of dance and theatre at the Christ Church Neighborhood House Theatre...
Nanci Hersh (ACG '13, '10) was selected to create artwork for the 95th Annual Wilmington Flower Market 2015 in Delaware.
Philadelphia Independant Film and Video Association (PIFVA) announces their next Finishing Fund deadline, May 15.
Chana Rothman's (ACG '13) family-friendly album release party for Rainbow Train, music to invite every child to co-create a world free of gender...

Whose Burden?

Sara Zia Ebrahimi (LTA '14, ACG '13, ACG '09) writes for Mutha Magazine on having a young child and staying connected to arts and activist communities...