Maori Holmes and Nehad Khader are Panelists at the 20th Annual Allied Media Conference

Maori Karmael Holmes (ACG '16, '06, '05, LTA '06) and Nehad Khader (LTA '17, WOO '17, ACG '08) will participate in WHOSE STORY IS IT? DE-COLONIZING DOCUMENTARY PRACTICE during the 20th Annual Allied Media Conference on Sunday, June 17, 2018, 1:00-2:30pm. 

In documentary is it the subject to whom the story belongs or the storyteller? We acknowledge that the history of the form is rooted in cultural, racial, gender and class-based colonialism, and often the most lauded films are made by privileged individuals about marginalized communities. This panel will discuss representation, authorship, and essentialism. Participants will collectively discuss building a framework to begin shifting away from conventional practices rooted in a colonial agenda.

Click here for more information about the panel and general conference. 

By Maleka Fruean for NewsWorks It's up to three hundred and eleven. That's how many homicide victims there have been in Philadelphia this year as of...
Marta Sanchez's (LTA' 10, ACG '06, WOO '02) artwork is in a number of exhibitions and will particaptae in a panel discussion this March.

Nanci Hersh: Before & Always

Opening Reception: Friday, March 20, 2020: 5:00-7:00 pm