Dreams of You: Soft Touches and Fiber Futures

In this ethereal and bold collaboration, Philadelphia-based multimedia artists Eva Wŏ (LTA '17) and Wit López create a collective dreamscape of radically soft futuristic freak and fetish fashion for queers. We invite the audience to explore the sights, sounds, and textures through portrait photography and touchable, fiber costuming and props. 

Read more here.

By Maleka Fruean for NewsWorks It's up to three hundred and eleven. That's how many homicide victims there have been in Philadelphia this year as of...
Marta Sanchez's (LTA' 10, ACG '06, WOO '02) artwork is in a number of exhibitions and will particaptae in a panel discussion this March.

Nanci Hersh: Before & Always

Opening Reception: Friday, March 20, 2020: 5:00-7:00 pm