Dinita Clark Chosen by U.S. State Department to be a Hip Hop Cultural Ambassador

Dinita Clark (LTA '17)  was chosen by the U.S. state department (Next Level USA) program to be a Hip Hop Cultural Ambassador in the country of Jordan from July 18th- Aug. 4th. She’ll be sharing American Hip Hop and street dance, cultural creative exchange and conflict transformation. 

To learn more about these projects, please visit:



Dinita was also chosen to present her choreography, perform, teach and Judge the "House" dance category for the biggest all-female event in NYC, The Ladies of Hip Hop Festival.

By Maleka Fruean for NewsWorks It's up to three hundred and eleven. That's how many homicide victims there have been in Philadelphia this year as of...
Marta Sanchez's (LTA' 10, ACG '06, WOO '02) artwork is in a number of exhibitions and will particaptae in a panel discussion this March.

Nanci Hersh: Before & Always

Opening Reception: Friday, March 20, 2020: 5:00-7:00 pm