Community Partners

abortion liberation fund

Abortion Liberation Fund of PA

Abortion Liberation Fund of PA protects and expands abortion access no matter a person's reason, income, ZIP code, or method. We support individuals who need access to abortion today by providing counseling and financial assistance. We support individuals always through community organizing to build community power and foster community-based resources for mutual care and support
allens lane

Allens Lane Art Center

Allens Lane Art Center provides programs and activities that bring our diverse community together to experience and support the arts.
allied media projects
Social Justice-based

Allied Media Projects

Allied Media Projects (AMP) cultivates media for liberation. Our media includes all the ways we communicate with the world. Our liberation is an ongoing process of personal, collective, and systemic transformation. We are a network of people and projects, rooted in Detroit and connected to hundreds of other places across the globe. Together, we grow and exchange ways of using media to create the...
artist u
Artists U is a grassroots, artist-run platform for changing the working conditions of artists.
asian americans united logo

Asian Americans United

Founded in 1985, Asian Americans United’s mission is to build leadership in Asian American communities to build their neighborhoods and unite against oppression.
asian arts logo 2024

Asian Arts Initiative

Created in 1993 in response to community concerns about rising racial tension, Asian Arts Initiative serves a diverse constituency of both youth and adults — Asian immigrants, Asian Americans born in the U.S., and non-Asians — who come together to give voice to experiences of cultural identity and heritage and claim the power of art-making as a vital form of expression and catalyst for social...
attic youth

Attic Youth Center

The Attic creates opportunities for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) youth to develop into healthy, independent, civic-minded adults within a safe and supportive community, and promotes the acceptance of LGBTQ youth in society.

BlackStar Film Festival

The BlackStar Film Festival is a celebration of cinema focused on work by and about people of African descent in a global context. BlackStar highlights films that are often overlooked from emerging, established, and mid-career directors, writers and producers working in narrative, documentary, experimental and music video filmmaking.
bread and roses logo
Social Justice-based

Bread and Roses Community Fund

Bread & Roses is a unique gathering of activists committed to supporting social justice by raising and distributing funds. A public foundation, Bread & Roses has distributed over $10 million to groups working for access to health care; economic justice; a clean, safe environment; civil and human rights; peace; and other social justice issues. In addition, Bread & Roses provides services, like...
CAGP logo

Cambodian Association of Greater Philadelphia

The mission of the Cambodian Association of Greater Philadelphia is to improve the quality of life of Cambodian-Americans in Greater Philadelphia through direct service, advocacy and cultural education.