Theresa BrownGold
Theresa BrownGold is a portrait painter.She uses art to start dialog around social issues –healthcare, immigration war and dying. Her project is called Art As Social Inquiry. Since 2008 the artist has used her art project to look at healthcare. Each portrait tells a different and personal story about accessing healthcare in the US. As human beings we naturally connect to the large, expressionistic canvases. These painted faces draw us into the question we avoid asking ourselves, “If what happened to this person happened to me, what would be my position on accessing healthcare?” The hope being that with personal connection comes more enlightened problem-solving.
Awarded Grants
Art and Change Grant (ACG)
Theresa will document access to healthcare in the US through storytelling. She will tell these stories by doing in-depth interviews with subjects and then paint their portraits. The paintings and stories of the subjects will be used in talks at senior centers, conferences and other venues to explain the Affordable Care Act and highlight how people access healthcare in the US (or not). The portraits will be used to explain the law and allay fears as our country transitions toward a system of universal care. They will also serve to document where we have been and where we are going as a society.