Robin R. Muldor

Mount Airy

Robin Muldor has worked her entire career life with and on behalf of children. This former social worker and teacher has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (’87), a Master’s in Education (’01), and a second Master’s in Library Science & Technology (’07), from Drexel University. Currently, Muldor is a children’s librarian with the Free Library of Philadelphia. In 2011, she received both the Free Library of Philadelphia’s Customer Service Award and the Pennsylvania Library Association’s Best Practices Award.  In 2012, Muldor attended Sarah Lawrence College Summer Writers’ Program. Her spare time is spent worshiping, reading and writing.

Awarded Grants

Art and Change Grant (ACG)

Literary Arts
Social Change Intents
Displacement / Migration / Immigration

Robin will create a mentorship and literacy workshop focusing on improving life chances for children and youth in foster care. She will facilitate a small interactive writing group designed to empower youth through the use of words and using words to open a road to unlimited possibilities. Ultimately, Robin’s project will encourage growth and social development through written expression.

Kerry Krieger and Kyle Branch, Delta Community Supports Inc.

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