Rain Harris


Awarded Grants

Window of Opportunity Grant (WOO)

Folk Arts
Visual Arts

Exhibition of multi-tiered embellished porcelain sculpture, Queen for a Day in the 54th Premio Faenza Biennial at the International Museum of Ceramics in Italy. Support for shipping expenses.

Window of Opportunity Grant (WOO)

Crafts and Textiles
Visual Arts

Installation/exhibition of ceramic pieces with large ornate backdrops at the Indianapolis Art Center. In conjunction with the National Conference for Education in Ceramic Arts. Support towards travel and lodging.

Leeway Award for Achievement

Crafts and Textiles

My art concerns contradictions. When presented with the option of creating functional or non-functional art, I find myself drawn to produce intentionally useless yet ostensibly utilitarian objects. I enjoy creating tension by juxtaposing the natural world with the manmade one, but instead of studying nature itself, I examine man's interpretations of nature. Looking to sources such as the decorative arts and old botanical drawings, I focus on creating forms which, while naturalistic, do not strive to become trompe l'oeil.

I find intrigue in the elegant yet tasteless object and, as a result, strive to create "cultured" work that contains "lowbrow" elements. I carefully incorporate things such as rhinestones and metallic surfaces into a piece so that the viewer is not immediately aware of their presence. Only on closer inspection does one notice that such gaudy materials have been used in the work.

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