Patience Rage


Awarded Grants

Art and Change Grant (ACG)

Literary Arts

Patience was invited by a group of women into their homes in North Philadelphia to help coach them through the telling and recording their incest stories. The artistic work of this project is to create a safe space to coach incest survivors as they tell their own stories and listen to each other’s stories, with the hope that these stories will then have a life of their own, and be told or performed in the community. Her own story, My First Kiss will serve as an example for the group, also allowing Patience to polish this story through the process. Telling her story in an artistic way makes it safer for others to tell theirs. By creating this space for incest survivors to tell their stories, their silent screams will be heard and healing will follow. The women are empowered by telling their stories, because it takes away from lie and diminishes the shame, and enables them to regain some of the power that was stolen.

Iris Brown

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