Natacha Yazbeck
Natacha Yazbeck is a Philadelphia-based Arab-American storyteller, writer and former journalist, born in New Jersey by way of Beirut. Natacha’s cultural work focuses on the unwritten history of Arab and Arab-American community elders in Philadelphia and New Jersey. Her work pays tribute to traditional storytelling, incorporating oral and visual history with nonlinear narrative structure. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Pennsylvania, where her dissertation also focused on invisible histories, documenting the work of Syrian and Yemeni journalists covering war for northern-western news organizations.
Awarded Grants
Leeway Transformation Award (LTA)
Natacha Yazbeck is a Philadelphia-based Arab-American storyteller, writer and former journalist, born in New Jersey by way of Beirut. Natacha’s cultural work focuses on the unwritten history of Arab and Arab-American community elders in Philadelphia and New Jersey. Her work pays tribute to traditional storytelling, incorporating oral and visual history with nonlinear narrative structure. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Pennsylvania, where her dissertation also focused on invisible histories, documenting the work of Syrian and Yemeni journalists covering war for northern-western news organizations.