Marion Bell

West Philadelphia

Marion Bell is a poet who lives in Philadelphia. She has published a chapbook titled The Abjector and is working on a manuscript called Austerity. You can find her writing in Elective Affinities, Jupiter 88, Edwin Johns, Maestra Vida, Bedfellows and Slow Poetry in America. Her work is concerned with queer kinship, lesbian affect, Philadelphia, anticapitalist feminisms, utopian friendship, poets and how we live out our ideas and our histories in daily life. She organizes the reading series Housework at Chapterhouse with Mel Bentley.

Awarded Grants

Art and Change Grant (ACG)

Literary Arts
Social Change Intents
Economic Justice
LGBTQI Social Movements

Marion will create a poetry manuscript tentatively titled Austerity, composed of lyric poetry, fragment, and journal-like observation. The poems will explore the relation between the austerity of our current political moment and the ways our emotional life and capacity for compassion are also impoverished. Marion’s hope for the work is that it will open up space for people to experience their own value in a world of white supremacy, patriarchy and capitalism. Marion will share the work at poetry readings in and around Philadelphia, and will make the work available for online download.

Mel Bently

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