Joan Klatchko
Awarded Grants
Edna Andrade Award
Coming Home: Levittown Revisited
Green lawns. Tupperware parties. Trips to the mall in the big boxy car: this was my suburbia, the one stored away in memory all those years I lived abroad.
T.S. Eliot wrote that " the end of all our exploring, (we) will arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time." But after 21 years abroad, I was only able to do this through photography. Using the suburban setting as the theme - and not the backdrop - I used my camera to explore the lives of ordinary American people - including family, friends and neighbors. These are not people who live on the margins of society, but rather, those who inhabit that vast, almost mythical place we call suburbia - and my pictures reveal that moment of drama inherent within the most ordinary situations. In response to the criticism heaped upon the identical rows of "ticky-tacky" houses, my pictures show home renovation as a means of self-expression, and holiday decoration as a form of public art.
Only though photography was I able to get behind the facade of cliché, to that subtle and complex place we call "home," a place that is an integral part of the American psyche. And because Levittown is, in many ways, a microcosm of America, this project became a way for me to rediscover my own home.