JD Stokely

West Philadelphia

JD Stokely is a trickster-in-training who devises, facilitates and curates performances around nostalgia, Queerness, the Black body, and home. Stokely graduated from Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in 2014, with an MA in Advanced Theatre Practice. They recently completed a season-long apprenticeship at the Arden Theatre Company in June 2016. Stokely has performed work locally and internationally. Most recently, they presented their latest research, "Autoethnography as Hiraeth", at the LGBTQ ALMS Conference in London, UK.  Stokely is a co-founder of SUPER|object, a Queer curating collective for emerging artists, and  A Collective Apparition, a group of LGBTQ Black artists whose art is "rooted in the past, but poised on the crux of the present & future."

Awarded Grants

Art and Change Grant (ACG)

Social Change Intents
Cultural Preservation
LGBTQI Social Movements
Racial Justice

MOUTH/PIECE, by JD Stokely, will be a project in two parts. The first will be a two-day workshop for black femmes, women and non-binary folks that explores the mouth as a site of trauma, un/desire(ability) and resistance by using Theatre of the Oppressed games, writing exercises and interviews. The second part of the project will be a new auto-ethnographic performance inspired by the workshop series that will examine how sharing and documenting their stories is a Black liberatory praxis.

Sam Congdon

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