Dina Dashiell
Awarded Grants
Art and Change Grant (ACG)
Dina Dashiell has created the short documentary, When Everybody Goes Home, which explores her life experience, witnessing over thirty years of homicides in Philadelphia. Her loved ones happened to all be black males, killed by other black males. Having lost many men in her village, including a current case, her cousin's son, her documentary will honor those forgotten men, and provide the community with a platform to speak, reflect, and honor the memory of their loved ones. Dina is a member of a tightly-knit family and neighborhood who have experienced very tragic loss on a large scale. It is her goal to spread awareness of how many lives have been changed immeasurably when a loved one is taken by homicide. The documentary will counter the ways in which news footage has become increasingly impersonal-presenting statistics rather than the truths of individual families destroyed by murders; it also provides a place for black men to articulate their emotional anguish, however painful, to engage the audience and help end the violence in Philadelphia and across the world.