Barbara Bullock


Awarded Grants

Bessie Berman Award

Visual Arts

I am concerned with the continuation of movement, energy, beliefs and spirit in my paintings. My work is about connections and retentions. Shaped paintings give me the freedom to define statements I wish to make; they are direct conversations with the viewer. Juxtaposition of shapes, color, texture, coalesce into statements formed from memory. Working with collage, I see people as layers of stories, and habitats and places of energies.

My work seeks to stimulate, nourish and explore. The stimulus is research, travel, experimentation, painting, teaching and exploring new materials. My art is a continuum; I want to express spirit, strength and survival. After traveling to Africa, Brazil and Mexico, I have continued to research Africa and the countries of its Diaspora. This gives texture, visual manifestation and excitement to my painting and teaching.

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