Womxn in Asian America

Womxn in Asian America
Sundays, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., Studio A at Asian Arts Initiative (1219 Vine St.)
February 4 – March 25
Sliding Scale: $50-$200*

This course, taught by Melissa Kapadia, examines the hxstories and lived experiences of Asian American and Pacific Islander womxn (women, trans, and non-binary people) through readings of scholarly, narrative, activist, and popular texts; in-person conversations; film and other media; and explorations of our own lived experiences.

Registration is required. Childcare will be provided.

This course is open to all APA womxn and is co-hosted by the National Asian Pacific American Womxn’s Forum’s Philly chapter, a group that organizes through a reproductive justice framework that centers and honors the labor of womxn and femmes.

*Registration for the course is offered at a sliding scale of $50-200, which includes 8 meetings and a 2-week extension. $100 or less is recommended for those with families, or who are partially employed or students; $100 or more for those with a household income of $35,000; and $200 for those with a household income above $45,000. Registration contributions directly support the labor of the instructor, an APA femme, and the work of NAPAWF-Philly.


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