Transcribez Meets on January 20 and February 10

Transcribez meets on Saturday, January 20, 2018 from 12:00 - 3:00pm at the Kelly Writers House (3805 Locust Walk, on the University of Pennsylvania campus). Directions can be found here. The site is wheelchair accessible, with bathrooms on the first floor. 

* Please note, we usually meet the 2nd Saturday of every month. Therefore, our next meeting will be Saturday, February 10, 2018 *

This month's guest facilitator will be CA Conrad. CAConrad’s childhood included selling cut flowers along the highway for their mother and helping her shoplift. They are the author of nine books of poetry and essays, the latest While Standing in Line for Death from Wave Books (September 2017). They are a Pew Fellow and have also received fellowships from Lannan Foundation, MacDowell Colony, Headlands Center for the Arts, Banff, RADAR, Flying Object and Ucross.

transcribez, is a creative writing group for trans and gender non-conforming identified youth (ages 14-24). We meet the second Saturday of every month at Kelly Writers House on Penn’s campus from 12:00-2:00 PM. Each session hosts a different guest facilitator, and all involved in the group are trans/gnc-identified. Though we started back in September 2016, youth are invited to join at any time! The group is FREE, and we provide lunch (pizza/soda), notebooks/pens/pencils, and tokens for transportation.

Contact Andrew Spiers (lead facilitator), at with any questions. Youth who wish to RSVP should email Andrew.


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