Therapy Center of Philadelphia Presents Social Justice Seminar

Therapy Center of Philadelphia (1315 Walnut Street, Suite 1004) is hosting its fourth seminar Friday, September 30 from 8:30am to 12:30pm. This seminar is for clinicians and community to come together and engage in a clinically scholarly dialogue around social justice issues and implications for therapy. This year Therapy Center of Philadelphia offers a clinical conversation around how different bodily experiences present in the therapy space. Therapy Center of Philadelphia proposes attending to the body in different clinical ways can build healing and transformation. The seminar will examine how the interweaving of political and cultural forces impact one’s body and how to address this therapeutically. Specifically, the seminar will examine how bodies become targets of marginalization that create strategies of disconnection – from the self and from each other.
Therapy Center of Philadelphia (TCP) has offered a space for healing and the transformation for women since 1972.
For event details and to purchase tickets please click here.