Storyville - New Works Produced through Scribe Workshops

Scribe Video Center presents Storyville - New Works Produced Through Scribe Workshops on Friday, September 16 at 7:00pm at Scribe (4212 Chestnut St, 3rd Fl). Admission is free with a $5 suggested donation.

Scribe will be screening:

Imani (Faith) by Marva Sumlin (20min)
A documentary about the closing of an educational institution and the impact on its children and families.

Hime: A Modern Princess Tale by Damien Johnson (3min)
A tale of a young woman's journey breaking  free from tradition to become the leader she was meant to be.

Where You Are Rising by George Dougherty (4min)
A music video exploring  a woman’s emotions waiting for her missing family after surviving a capsized ship transporting refugees.

Girls Rock! Philly by Cory Fischer-Hoffman (5min)
 A story of three artists who demonstrate the way  Girls Rock Philly has fostered leadership, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration.

Discovery in Adolescence by Jose Quintana (12 min)
A young man explores the need to hide emotion.

For more information, click here.


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