Still Untitled: A Quarterly Literary Salon

The Still Untitled: Quarterly Literary Salon, hosted by Marissa Johnson-Valenzuela (ACG ’12, LTA ’05)  will be held at 4921 Catharine St. in West Philly on Saturday February 8 at 7:00pm. This salon is well into its second year. It’s a lovely evening with other lit lovers,  featuring two writers at the beginning, and then, after a short intermission, allow a brief open mic from names drawn out of a hat. Please consider bringing something to share– work of your own, or some of your favorite work of someone else’s. This month features writers Hillary Plum, Michelle Taransky, and a short film by Irit Reinheimer (ACG ’06)

Hilary Plum is the author of the novel They Dragged Them Through the Streets (FC2, 2013). She is co-director of Clockroot Books and a contributing and book-review editor with the Kenyon Review. With Zach Savich she edits Rescue Press’s Open Prose series.

Michelle Taransky is the author of Sorry Was In The Woods (Omnidawn 2013), and Barn Burned, Then, selected by Marjorie Welish for the 2008 Omnidawn Poetry Prize. Taransky teaches critical and creative writing at University of Pennsylvania and works as reviews editor for the online poetry and poetics magazine Jacket2.

The salon will also feature a screening of an experimental short film, I Told Her This Was Home, by Irit Reinheimer. This film explores ideas of landlessness and diaspora through abstracted dreamscapes constructed by layering new and archival footage, rotoscoping, and text. Based on an actual dream, the film maps the comforts and restlessness of a constant search for home.

Running time 7 minutes

Bring something to drink or eat if you like, but this is not required. Also, this time, bring $ to buy a copy of Hilary’s book, They Dragged Them Through the Streets, or Michelle’s books, Sorry Was in the Woods and Barn Burned, Then. All of these books should be available for purchase.