Registration Now Open for the Screening Scholarship Media Festival 2016

camra at Penn (3451 Walnut Street) presents the 4th Annual Screening Scholarship Media Festival for two (April 1-2) days of panel discusions, film screenings, sound and image installations, and a keynote event. This year’s Festival highlights submissions that engage with race-based logics across the globe and the rise of social justice movements advocating for positive social change. There will be screening of original work in the form of short and long films, multimodal research presentations, and innovative media installations.
SSMF brings together scholars, media artists, students and teachers across several disciplines to examine experiments in multimodal research representation. They explore how diverse and creative uses of multiple media are changing knowledge production, research imagination, and political activism during a day of panel discussions and project screenings showcasing film, radio, web-based platforms.
camra asks questions about the affordances, challenges, and possibilities of multimodal scholarship in teaching, learning, mediamaking, and knowledge production. Their aim is to support media-based research and pedagogies, with an explicit focus on: (1) establishing responsive and practical guidelines for the evaluation of multimodal research and scholarship; (2) utilizing participatory, digital, and ethnographic methodologies; (3) creating supportive spaces (both digital and physical) for multimodal work to be showcased; (4) critically examining how technology is changing the processes, relationships and products related to teaching and learning.
To register for this event please click here.
To be a volunteer please click here.