Proposal Writing 101 Workshop for TAs

Proposal Writing 101 for Teaching Artists is a free workshop hosted by the Stockton Rush Bartol Foundation on Monday, November 17 from 3:30pm-5:00pm at Art Sanctuary (628 S. 16th St). The workshop, led by the Executive Director Beth Feldman Brandt, will draw a roadmap for pinpointing target audiences to clarify the vision of a compelling project, developing budgets, and writing a clear proposal while keeping in mind potential funders. Register here. Free.


Purim in the Sinkhole

Kol Tzedek Presents... Purim in the Sinkhole: A Triumphant Creature Cabaret on Mar 14, 2020, 7:30 PM at Underground Arts.
CinéSPEAK and Vox Populi are proud to present Lizzie Borden's feminist classic BORN IN FLAMES (1983) in honor of Women's History Month (March)...

KYL/D’s Open Studio Series

KYL/D’s Open Studio Series allows the community to experience excerpts of the company’s work-in-progress and discuss how the choreography is created...