Pigeon Poetry Slam feat. Cynthia Oka

Philly Pigeon Poetry Workshop & Slam ft: Cynthia Oka
Pearlstein Gallery, 3401 Filbert St

December 6th
Workshop: 7-8pm
Doors: 8:30pm
Show starts: 9pm Sharp

Cynthia Dewi Oka is the author of Salvage: Poems (Northwestern University Press, 2017) and Nomad of Salt and Hard Water (Thread Makes Blanket, 2016). Her work has appeared widely in print and online, including in ESPNW, Hyperallergic, Guernica, Scoundrel Time, Academy of American Poets, American Poetry Review, Kenyon Review, The Massachusetts Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, and various anthologies. With community partner Asian Arts Initiative, she created Sanctuary: A Migrant Poetry Workshop for immigrant poets in Philadelphia. She has received scholarships from VONA and the Vermont Studio Center, the Fifth Wednesday Journal Editor's Prize in Poetry, the Tupelo Quarterly Poetry Prize, and the Leeway Foundation's Transformation Award. She holds an MFA from Warren Wilson College and is originally from Bali, Indonesia.
A poetry slam is a competition between poets performing original work judged by members of the audience. This poetry slam is organized by Jacob Winterstein, Kai Davis and Jasmine Combs.
Come watch, perform, or judge.

**Poets wishing to compete should arrive before 8:40PM to put their names in the hat. Poets who put their name in the hat pay $5. At 9:00pm poets names will be picked out of the hat. If more than 13 poets put their name in the hat we'll have a Haiku slam off at 8:45pm to determine who gets to slam. Some poets will be pre-selected.**