Photographing Your Artwork with CFEVA

Center for Emerging Visual Artists (CFEVA) is hosting a workshop on documenting your artwork, Product Photography, taught by Philadelphia photographer Rachel Kotkoskie on Thursday, December 4 at 7:00pm at University of the Arts (211 South Broad, Room 511). Rachel will guide you through the techniques, tools and tricks necessary for creating visually compelling documentation of your work. Free. RSVP here.


Purim in the Sinkhole

Kol Tzedek Presents... Purim in the Sinkhole: A Triumphant Creature Cabaret on Mar 14, 2020, 7:30 PM at Underground Arts.
CinéSPEAK and Vox Populi are proud to present Lizzie Borden's feminist classic BORN IN FLAMES (1983) in honor of Women's History Month (March)...

KYL/D’s Open Studio Series

KYL/D’s Open Studio Series allows the community to experience excerpts of the company’s work-in-progress and discuss how the choreography is created...