Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference Announces Call for Cover Art

The Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference is excited to open the call for submissions for the second annual cover art contest! If you are a trans or GNC artist of any age please submit your artwork to:

The cover art winner will receive a cash prize and a vending table for all three days of the conference (August 2-4th 2018).

All mediums are accepted and you may submit as many pieces as you would like. Please make sure they are family friendly. The winner’s artwork will be featured on our website, the cover of the program book and other print and online materials. The cover art winner is chosen by the community run PTWC planning committee.

Deadline: March  25, 2018

About the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference
Now in its 17th year, the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference, a program of Mazzoni Center, was created to educate and empower trans individuals on issues of health and well-being, educate and inform allies and health and other professional service providers, and to facilitate networking, community-building, and systemic change. Each year, the event attracts trans people, activists and allies, and medical providers who cover a broad spectrum of ages, ethnicities, races, abilities, sexualities, and genders from across the country and around the world.

About Mazzoni Center
Mazzoni Center is Philadelphia’s leading health center focused on the needs of the region’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning (LGBTQ) communities. Mazzoni Center’s mission is to provide quality comprehensive health and wellness services in an LGBTQ-focused environment, while preserving the dignity and improving the quality of life of the individuals it serves. Currently Mazzoni Center provides care and services to more than 35,000 patients and clients annually.


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