Personal Essay Documentary Workshop with Rea Tajiri

Join artist Rea Tajiri for this workshop at Scribe Video Center (4212 Chestnut Street, 3rd Floor) on Wednesday, September 10 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. In this Master Class, Rea Tajiri will discuss how she uses the personal essay documentary to reimagine and recreate collective histories that have been submerged, lost, and stolen. Rea Tajiri’s eclectic body of film work include personal essay documentaries - History & Memory (1991) and Lordville (2013) – that draw from official histories, dominant cultural narratives, memories of the living, and spirits of the dead to destabilize conventions of historiography.

Rea Tajiri is a filmmaker, artist, and educator whose groundbreaking and award-winning films have screened at venues and film festivals throughout the world. Her personal essay film History and Memory (1991) premiered at the Whitney Biennial and won the Distinguished Achievement Award from the International Documentary Association. Strawberry Fields, Tajiri’s debut dramatic feature film received funding from ITVS and had its European premiere at the 54th Venice Film Festival. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor in the Film Media Arts and Theatre Department at Temple University.   

The fee for the workshop is $20 or $10 for Scribe Members. To purchase tickets and for more info, visit the event website


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