Participatory Defense Roundtable
Montgomery County Public Defender presents a Chief Community Stakeholders' Roundtable on Wednesday, March 18 from 5:30-8:30pm at Arcadia University - Brubaker Hall (450 South Easton Road, Glenside, PA) Participatory defense is collective, community-based direct action that demands fairness in the justice system, effectiveness of public defenders and accountability of police, prosecutors, judges, and prisons. With approximately 2.5 million citizens currently locked up — participatory defense is the most accessible way directly affected communities can challenge mass incarceration. On average, 80% of those incarcerated were represented by a public defender. That means improving public defense is the least talked about, yet statistically significant way, to challenge mass incarceration as we know it. Montgomery County Public Defender is launching Participatory D efense in Montgomery County to address the systemic issues leading to mass incarceration of our neighbors, friends, loved ones.
Please invite leaders, visionaries + activists to join us at our Chief Stakeholders' Roundtable on participatory defense, an innovative community organizing model that has proven to dramatically decrease years of incarceration. Through this model, people facing charges, their families, and their communities are empowered and provided tools to impact the outcome of cases and transform the landscape of power in the court system. Click here to RSVP or email