Opportunity at Main Line Art Center for Contemporary Artists

Main Line Art Center offers an opportunity for contemporary artists that includes $1000, a solo show, and the Meyer Family Award for Contemporary Art. The Meyer Family Award for Contemporary Art, presented by Main Line Art Center in conjunction with the Betsy Meyer Memorial Exhibition, consists of an award of $1000 and a solo exhibition to each selected artist. This award and associated exhibition program is an effort to support the talented contemporary artists in the region, to honor deserving artists in the field, and to encourage excellence and experimentation in artistic practice, presentation, and community involvement. Adult fine artists, who are not full time students, living in the Mid-Atlantic Region are eligible to apply. All mediums are welcome. Artists selected to receive this award will be notified in December 2015 and the exhibition will take place in March/April 2016. Approximately three artists are awarded annually. The 2015 recipients of the Meyer Family Award for Contemporary Art were Seunghwui Koo (New York), Tasha Lewis (New York), and Kate Stewart (Philadelphia), featured in Tweak of Nature, presented at Main Line Art Center in Spring 2015.

DEADLINE: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 by 11:59 p.m. 

AWARD: $1000 & solo show 

PROSPECTUS: mainlineart.org

APPLICATION: mainlineart.slideroom.com 

QUESTIONS: Beth Boardman, Exhibition Coordinator: 610.525.0272 ext. 116 

APPLICATION FEE: Members $30/Non-Members $35

EXHIBITION: March 7 - April 17, 2016

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