Open Call for Latin American Artists from Case de Duende

Casa de Duende issues an open call to Latin American artists asking them to respond to a re-imagining of Latin America and what being Latin American means in the 21st Century.
For this juried exhibition, artists are encouraged to mine the fantastic mythology both autochthonous and that which was assigned to the Latin American continent during its period of discovery, settlement, colonization, and beyond. In doing so; artists can re-examine, revisit, re-imagine, challenge, question and or rescue colonialist and post colonialist narratives that speak to the present actualization and future of what the Cuban thinker Jose Marti (January 28, 1853- May 19, 1895) termed our *Mestizo America, and which the Mexican writer and philosopher Jose Vasconselos (February 28, 1882 - June 1959) actualized in his important and critical essay La Raza Cosmica, (The Cosmic Race).
Using Latin American tales and myths as a point of departure and as a central theme to approaching the work, artists are encouraged to actualize, explore, revisit, and or reinterpret these myths so as to explore current issues of national identities and transcultural discourses and how these manifest themselves through present geo political history, location, migration, displacement, and settlement among others.
Juror Henry Bermudez is a highly regarded Venezuelan born, (Philadelphia based artist) with an illustrious artistic career spanning over 35 years whose work has been placed in public and private collections throughout Latin America, Europe, Central and North America.
Casa de Duende is dedicated to presenting socially relevant art that addresses critical social issues and challenges both artists and communities to address through art and art-making, the causes and consequences of cultural, economic, and political realities in the context of advancing progressive social change.