National Creative Placemaking Fund Accepting Project Proposals

ArtPlace America is now accepting project proposals for The National Creative Placemaking Fund. This national fund seeks to support projects “in which arts and culture play an intentional an integrated role in place-based community planning and development that is human-centric, comprehensive, and locally informed.”
This fund is open to groups and individuals located anywhere in the United States. Applications are due on Wednesday March 2 (registration required no later than February 16).
Consider Applying if your project:
1 Focuses on a neighborhood or other geographic community
2 Is looking to work on a community challenge related to agriculture/food; economic development; education/youth; environment/energy; health; housing, immigration; public safety; transportation; or workforce development
3 Has a way that artists, arts organizations, and/or arts activities can help address that challenge
4. Will have a way of knowing whether the project has made progress on the challenge
For more information on the application click here