Marta Sanchez events for the Fall 201

Marta Sanchez (LTA '10, ACG '06, WOO '02) will be exhibiting her work at The McCormick Gallery at the Midland Texas College in Midland Texas, September 25 - October 15. Marta's work will be on display at the Philadelphia Airport,  Cascarones: The art of Mexican folkloric confetti filled eggs and philanthropy in October .Marta will be part of CEVFA's POST Open Studio Tours East October 3-4. She will also be exhibiting work made possible by the Independence Foundation’s 2014 Fellowship for the Arts at the The Crawford Campus Center Gallery in Newtown Square, PA October 7 - November 6. And lastly, she will be sighing books at Taller Puertorriqueño on October 25 at 3:00pm. Transcendental Train yards is a collaborative publication with Norma E. Cantu through Wings Press. 

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