Let's Talk Money: Workshops and Microgrants for Teaching Artists

Marketing Yourself as a Teaching Artist: Let’s Talk Money
Monday, April 9, 2018: 10:00-12:30
Friends Center, 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia

This session will work through how to set fair prices for your teaching artist activities, budget for all parts of a project, and develop ‘what if’ scenarios to make budgeting a useful tool in your teaching artist life. Register here.
New Micro-Grants to Teaching Artists
Deadline to Apply: Saturday, April 14, 2018 at noon
The Bartol Foundation is collaborating with Small But Mighty Arts to make ten, $500 micro-grants to teaching artists to complete a confirmed or ongoing community-based project.  Read more about the guidelines and sign up for our online information session on Monday, April 9th at 6:30.

Stay Connected
Continue to invest in yourself through our Teaching Artist Workshops, designed with you in mind.   If you have workshop topic ideas, please share.  Want to teach a workshop? Get in touch.   Tell all of your co-workers, family and friends to Like us on FACEBOOK and Follow us on TWITTER. Be the first to receive our news and job listings.  


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