Lambda Literary Announces 2017 Judith A. Markowitz Award for Emerging LGBTQ Writers

Applications are now open for the Judith A. Markowitz Award for Emerging LGBTQ Writers. The award recognizes LGBTQ-identified writers whose work demonstrates their strong potential for promising careers. Deadline: January 31, 2017.

Two Emerging LGBTQ Writer prizes will be presented, each with a cash prize of $1000. Applicants to this prize may be self-nominated or nominated by another member of the community.
"Emergent Writer" means those who have published at least one but no more than two books of fiction, nonfiction or poetry. Last year's winners were JP Howard & Bryan Borland.
Applications for this prize will be accepted until midnight January 31, 2017.

Please read the application form thoroughly before applying, even if you have applied before, as the application has been updated for the current year. Contact Ella Boureau with any queries: awards [at] lambdaliterary [dot] org.

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