June First Friday at Asian Arts Initiative

A More Perfect Union: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Loving v. Virginia

Emily Chow Bluck; Klyde Breitton; Anne Canfield; Priyanka Dasgupta & Chad Marshall; Leena Jayaswal; Matt Kalasky; Adalena Kavanagh; Jino Lee; Shannon Lewis; Jacque Liu & Sarah Kate Burgess; Zavé Martohardjono; Michelle Myers; Farrah Parkes & Brad Linder; Tania Qurashi; Boyd Ruamcharoen & Christine Dickerson; Hiro Sakaguchi; Martin Wiley
Curated by Dave Kyu
June 2nd – August 25th
Opening Reception: First Friday, June 2, 6-8 p.m.

Join Asian Arts Initiative for the opening of A More Perfect Union, an exhibition celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Loving v. Virginia case and the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision to invalidate laws prohibiting interracial marriage in the United States. This decision affirms that our fundamental civil rights cannot be denied based on the classifications of race and that the American system, that although often flawed, is capable of correcting injustice.

Exhibiting artists explore the themes of interracial marriage and relationships and various aspects of interracial identity; an identity made possible at least in part by this Supreme Court decision. Said Mildred Loving, “That’s what Loving, and loving, are all about.”

Pearl Street Micro-Project: Nakatani Gong Orchestra Performance and Workshop
1100 Block of Pearl Street
First Friday, June 2, 7:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Tatsuya Nakatani and local members of the Nakatani Gong Orchestra (NGO), a mobile community engagement project which organizes local ensembles performing on multiple bowed gongs, will hold an evening acoustic performance followed by an informal workshop during which audience members will be able to learn about the instruments.

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