I Am Paintings an Exhibit by Lauren Vargas

Lauren Vargas (ACG ’15) along with youth participants from North Philadelphia are exhibiting the creation of collaborative portraits in the show I Am Paintings, which will be held Friday, March 11 from 6:00pm- 8:00pm at the Orange Korner Arts gallery (4401 North 7th St.) Through a series of artistic workshops on identity, racism, and sexism, the young women created written self-portraits to portray themselves as leaders in their community in face of the obstacles they have overcome. After each portrait was painted, each girl was given complete artistic freedom to express herself on the canvas. There will be a number of interactive activities, and a discussion by the youth who participated in the project. Youth participants are Saiyeh Crosscombe, Ashley Hawkins, Michelle Lundi, Adianez Mendez, Taisha Ortiz and Kenise Terry. 

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