Governmental Actions: Effect on PA’s Energy Landscape on Planet Philadelphia

[Listen on Gtown Radio]

Governmental actions can both constrain and encourage environmentally positive developments in energy. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) recent decisions will be having effects on renewable energy across the country as well as Pennsylvania. Tune in for this and more on Planet Philadelphia environmental radio show 4-5:00 PM Friday 8/21/20:

Alexandra Kroger is Energy Program Director at the Energy Coop, a Pennsylvania renewable energy cooperative, and previously worked in New York City government at a policy level. She will be talking about the recent rulings of FERC, an important independent federal agency which regulates interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, oil, interstate pipelines, licensing of liquified natural gas (LNG) plants and building of LNG terminals. Several of these recent rulings affect renewable energy.

Liz Robinson founded the Energy Coordinating Agency in Philadelphia, and the Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance (a trade association for energy efficiency in PA and NJ). She also has helped the Energy Coop transition to renewables, and now is the Director of the Philadelphia Solar Energy Association. Liz has been our correspondent from Harrisburg (capital city of PA). She will be reporting on recent governmental actions at the state level that effect energy.

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