Fighting Islamophobia through Arts, Advocacy, and Analysis

Fighting Islamophobia through Arts, Advocacy, and Analysis
Asian Arts Initiative 3rd Floor
Saturday November 11, 6:30pm | Free and open to the public

The longstanding struggle against Islamophobia has become more complex, yet there are fewer spaces than ever in which to craft anti-racist strategies. This panel, centered around two new books by Erik Love (Sociology, Dickinson College) and Neda Maghbouleh (Sociology, University of Toronto) will dive into the fight against hate and exclusion faced by Middle Eastern and Muslim communities in the U.S. Featuring Fariha Khan (Asian American Studies, University of Pennsylvania) and moderated by Philadelphia-based artist Sara Zia Ebrahimi, this event will kick off a discussion about how everyday people are using the transformative powers of art, advocacy, and analysis to stand against Islamophobia and racism.

Sara Zia Ebrahimi, Program Director, Leeway Foundation

Fariha I. Khan, Associate Director, Asian American Studies, University of Pennsylvania
Erik Love, author of Islamophobia and Racism in America (NYU Press, 2017)
Neda Maghbouleh, author of The Limits of Whiteness: Iranian Americans and the Everyday Politics of Race (Stanford University Press, 2017)

After-party with book signing by the authors and electroacoustics by Yavaran (aka Kamyar Jarahzadeh, Ajam Records, Bedouin Records affiliate)

Learn more

The event is presented by the Asian Arts Initiative and Asian American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania.


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