Engine 37 Issues Call For Artists

The Percent for Art Program, the Philadelphia Department of Public Property, and the Philadelphia Fire Department seek to commission an outdoor artist-designed seating element, which is high quality, original, and site-specific. The location for this artist seating has been identified as one of the grassy areas in front of the firehouse. If necessary, the City will provide a concrete belowgrade foundation for this commission. More information, as well as a site visit of the existing firehouse and surrounding area, will be given at the Pre-Proposal Meeting. Some themes which are of interest to the community include: the historic neighborhood; the history of the fire department at this site originating as a volunteer organization and metamorphosing to a staffed facility, the oldest continually operating fire station in the city; the element of water the fire fighters use, and the site’s location within the Wissahickon Creek watershed; the local geology of the area comprised of the Wissahickon bedrock formation, and the use of Wissahickon Schist for the existing structure. A budget of $49,000 has been allocated for this Percent for Art commission. This sum is inclusive of all artist(s) fees, insurance, fabrication, installation, travel, and all other project related expenses. 

Click here for more information. 

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