Eiko Fan's Films at City Hall

Eiko Fan's (LTA '12, WOO '98) short documentary films on view at city hall through July. Celebrating 25th anniversary of American with Disability Act, Eiko's 8 short films will show how art is important for all people. Eiko's motto is "Art is Food" Let's make art possible for all.  The films will be on loop and will be shown with art works by artists with disabilities in her films. One artist, Romaine is totally without sight but loves colors she hasn't seen for over 85 years, she creates her sculptures with colored paper and make entire sculptures without anyone's help. Find out what drives this artist to want to make sculptures she can not see. The films include works created  by students at HMS school for children with cerebral palsy, and Form in Art Program at Philadelphia Museum of Art where Eiko Fan has been teaching for 29 years. An artist reception is scheduled for Thursday, June 18, from 5:00pm-7:00pm in the Council Caucus Room, City Hall, 4th floor. Click here for more information.

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