Dismantle The House: A Choreopoem About the Intimacy of Power, Violence, and Revolution

Dismantle The House is a choreopoem about the intimacy of power, violence, and revolution from Director Kai Davis (LTA '17), and featuring herself, Shanel Edwards, Ashley Davis, Afaq, and David Gaines. The performance takes place May 31 and June 1 at the Community Education Center (3500 Lancaster Ave); doors open at 8:00PM and the show begins at 8:30PM. 

The production is titled in honor of Audre Lorde who proclaimed that “the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.” This choreopoem aims to reveal the ways that the powers of capitalism, violence, religion, and gender are experienced in confined spaces, like one’s bedroom, living room, or even the bus. Dismantle The House also intends to return power to the hands of those who were once disempowered through the subversion of oppressive relationships. 

All ages welcome. Adult content expected. Guaranteed seating $15-$20. Walk Up (if available) -$15.

Visit here for more information and tickets.

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