Denise Brown Leads ACSJN Connection Creating Call

ACSJN presents two Network learning exchanges, story sharing, and connection creating calls! RSVP now for one or both!! The calls are meant to be a starting or restarting point for broader network engagement. Ideas, suggestions, and questions welcome!
March 15, 2016
Join ACSJN leadership team members Denise Brown, ED of the Leeway Foundation and Carlton Turner, ED of Alternate ROOTS on March 15th at 1pmEST/12noonCST/ 10amPST. Carlton and Denise will open a conversation about the state of the art, culture and social justice field and then invite your perspectives. After that, the Art, Culture, and Social Justice Network will provide a brief overview on the organization and exchange ideas about what gaps or connections the network could provide. RSVP here.
March 24, 2016
Join Judi Jennings, ACSJN Leadership Team Member and Mo Willis, Program Director, Allied Media Conference on March 24th at 5pm. You’re invited to reflect on: How is art and culture advancing social justice, as you see it, in your community? Then delve into how participating in a network like ACSJN can amplify this work and how best to share our insights and learnings. RSVP here.