Cultural Capital Grant Call for Applications

The First Peoples Fund 2014 Cultural Capital Program provides tradition bearers of tribal communities the opportunity to further their important cultural work. The program is designed to support previous year Community Spirit Award recipients allowing them to commit more time in teaching and sharing their ancestral knowledge and practices with others who want to learn. The grant program will aid artists in develop local networks for leveraging other resources and will provide technical assistance and capacity building support as needed by the master artist/teacher.


First Peoples Fund is interested in Cultural Capital projects that will impact the next generation through reciprocity and community spirit. Examples of this are:

Passing on knowledge - as mentors and leaders
Documentation for the next seven generations to access this knowledge
Artists as Cultural Resource


Eligibility Requirements: 

Artist may be a past FPF Community Spirit Award recipient, a Community Spirit Award nominee finalist, or a member of a Northern Great Plains tribe located in South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Western Dakota of Minnesota, Nebraska, the Eastern Plateau region of Idaho, Oregon and Washington, a tribe from the Great Lakes Region of Minnesota, Michigan, or Wisconsin, a tribe belonging to the U.S. Eastern Seaboard states, Oklahoma, Native Hawaiian or Alaska Native. Affiliated Canadian First Nations artist applicants are eligible.
Artist may also be invited by FPF or nominated by a Community Spirit Award recipient.


Grant amount: $5,000
Application deadline: September 1, 2014 
Click HERE for an application
For more information please visit our website.

Phone: (605) 348-0324
Email at


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