Creating Safe Spaces for Art and Healing at Bartol Foundation

Bartol Foundation will host a workshop for Philadelphia teaching artists, Creating Safe Spaces for Art and Healing, on November 10 from 5:00pm to 7:30pm at the Friends Center (1501 Cherry Street).

As young people’s lives in the communities we serve become more impacted by trauma around them, teaching artists need to develop specific skills to address their students’ complex needs.  Led by Julia Terry and Kris Smith from the 2015 Bartol Arts Education Award winner, ArtWell, this session will focus on ways to recognize trauma in your students and yourself, and will take you through hands-on processes toward deep listening and healing.  Artmaking will include drawing, bookmaking, grounding exercises for your students, as well as thinking about caring for yourself so you can sustain this work.

For more information and to register, click here.