A Conversation with Tim Hayes on February 13

Please join Jewish Voice for Peace Philadelphia for a conversation with Tim Hayes, a life-long activist going back to the early 1960's civil rights movement including organizing with SNCC. Hayes was active with The Black Panthers around the US and in solidarity with liberation movements internationally, including supporting Mizrahi (Middle Eastern) Jews in Israel. Tim Hayes will share stories and insights, longtime JVP leader Rebecca Subar will share some questions with Tim, and there will be opportunity for audience engagement as well.

Monday, February 13 at 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Leeway Foundation, 1315 Walnut St, Ste 832, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
All are welcome, no cost to attend (we will pass a hat for donations). 
Thank you to the Leeway Foundation for sharing space to host this event. The Leeway Foundation space is wheelchair accessible, in an elevator building. 

Full bio for Tim Hayes
Tim Hayes has been an activist all his life. Inspired by the Freedom Riders in 1961, Tim still in elementary school sought them out. Even sneaking out of his Mother's church on Sundays to attend meetings of the Atlanta Student Movement. Later Tim spent most of his high school years following the older members of the new organization SNCC. Just doing anything he could just to be around them and a part of the organization. Making coffee, getting sandwiches, or what ever it took. In January of 1965 while on a trip to New York for the National Science fair, Tim met and talked with Malcolm X, who he had seen speak several times in Atlanta but had never got a chance to actually meet. This was where Tim got the idea that the civil rights movement was really only a small part of an international struggle to rid the world of Imperialism and colonialism. In March of 1965, Tim was allowed to go on his first real civil rights demonstration. He was a part of the group who marched across that bridge in Selma, Alabama on “Bloody Sunday.” On that day he was teargassed and beaten and was run over by a horse before getting away. After high school, Tim attended Morehouse College and Yale University, but dropped out when he was asked to join the Black Panther Party. This was directly related to the words he remembered from Malcolm X. Tim founded the Atlanta Ga. chapter of the party and worked in the Chicago, New Haven, and Los Angeles chapters and several offices in New York City. The Black Panthers were an organization that developed solidarity with most of the liberation movements in Africa and Asia at the time. Tim used this opportunity to visit and work in many countries, Cuba, Angola, North Viet Nam and Israel/Palestine. During this time he dug wells in Guinea, inoculated children against TB in Angola during the middle of the war for liberation there, and spent time in an Israeli prison under some of the harshest conditions you can imagine. When Tim decided he wanted to settle down and have a normal life and raise children, he found this was impossible to do in his home town of Atlanta Ga. It seemed that he was simply too well known by law enforcement to just be a “regular” citizen. So he moved to Philadelphia in 1973. Taking jobs first in drug rehabilitation and then with the Philadelphia Board of Education. When Tim moved to the Germantown area in 1978 he found his new mission, and has mostly devoted his time to voter education and registration. From time to time if the candidate inspires him, he works in political campaigns most notably the Irv Ackelsberg and Sherrie Cohen City Council campaigns. In 2014, Tim registered over 4000 voters in the Philadelphia area. Today Tim spends most of his time trying to be a good grand father and still plays music with among others the legendary Philadelphia band Philly Gumbo.
For more background, read Tim Hayes' article "Thoughts on the conflict in Gaza from an African American who comes from a housing project."


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